Aeromon measures emissions following latest standards

Aeromon Updates, Regulation & Standards, VOC's,

Aeromon provides world leading mobile reverse dispersion model (RDM) emission measurements following the updated European regulations.

In the EU, emissions to the air are regulated by the Industrial Emissions Directive which relies on Best Available Techniques documents. The EU has recently updated the standard regulatory framework for determining Non-Methane Volatile Organic Compounds (NMVOCs) emissions. Aeromon performs its NMVOC measurements according to the updated Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Document for Common Waste Gas Management and Treatment Systems in the Chemical Sector (BREF) and the EN 17628 standard.

What are BAT and BREF Documents?

A list of the Best Available Techniques (BAT) offers customers a range of tools they are obliged to use for legal measurements and from which they can choose according to what suits them best.

The EU has recently updated the BAT list. The BAT Reference Document (BREF) for Common Waste Gas Management and Treatment Systems in the Chemical Sector was released in the EU at the beginning of 2023. This BREF Sector covers the management and treatment of channelled and diffuse emissions to air arising from a variety of sources associated with the chemical production processes listed in the Industrial Emissions Directive 2010/75/EU.

Download the BAT conclusions and the BREF document.

What is Standard EN 17628?

CEN, the European Committee for Standardization, released standard EN 17628, ”Fugitive and diffuse emissions of common concern to industry sectors – Standard method to determine diffuse emissions of volatile organic compounds into the atmosphere,” in 2022. The standard has been refined over time to provide information on how fugitive emissions measurements should be carried out to ensure reliable results.

This document specifies the framework for determining emissions to the atmosphere of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). It specifies a system of methods to detect and/or identify and/or quantify VOC emissions from industrial sources. These methods include Optical Gas Imaging (OGI), Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL), Solar Occultation Flux (SOF), Tracer Correlation (TC), and Reverse Dispersion Modelling (RDM). It specifies the methodologies for carrying out all the above, and also the performance requirements and capabilities of the direct monitoring methods, the requirements for the results and their measurement uncertainties.

Standards make reporting easier and save work.

There are significant advantages in choosing an emissions monitoring partner that can measure and report emissions according to the latest standards.

  • The customer can easily justify to authorities why the measurements have been made using a particular method. The customer can refer to the standard, and there is no need to provide additional documentation to authorities.
  • Compliance monitors can assume that the measurement method used is reliable and thus has no need to start investigating the reliability of the measurement method itself.

How do companies act now to follow the directive?

Several authorities have already begun informing companies that new European legislation requires them to measure NMVOC emissions in accordance with the BREF and EN17628.

As a result, many customers have contacted measurement companies asking if they can provide measurements to this standard.

Alternatively, companies may assess whether their current methods already comply with the updated standard. For example, suppose a company currently utilises an RDM method as described in the standard. In that case, it might send a questionnaire to its measurement subcontractors asking whether they can perform these RDM measurements according to the new regulations.

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Aeromon fulfils the legal requirements – and exceeds in quality.

Aeromon uses standardised methods for measuring and reporting atmospheric emissions. Customers who choose Aeromon as a partner can meet the requirements for measurements set by authorities. Using its cutting-edge standardised methods, Aeromon provides customers with the most advanced tools for finding airborne emissions to prevent hazardous leaks and save money by avoiding chemical losses.

Aeromon can provide customers with a fast, even real-time, site-wide map of airborne emissions levels. The map shows all measured NMVOCs and other components and their concentrations across the site. Following the standard, Aeromon can measure the mass flow of individual sources, component groups, flares, sections and the entire site, to reveal how much air carries emitted chemicals out of the customer’s site.

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