Employee Spotlight: Antoine

Employee Spotlight,
Aeromon Employee Spotlight

This article is written by our summer trainee, Maya Sopori. This is the third part in a series of interviews, providing insight into employee roles and experiences.

Antoine Boom

Antoine operates as a sales manager in the Rotterdam office, developing the business, building and fostering company-customer relationships and catering to their emission measurements needs.

Maya: What does your role entail, generally and on a daily basis?

Antoine: I work with all our customers worldwide, but with an organically grown focus on my areas of expertise in Francophone countries as well as Western Europe and the Middle East. On days when I am introducing new clients to our services, I explain our data collection processes, outlining their utility, efficiency and reliability. Listening to the client’s needs and expectations is of utmost importance, so that we can cater to them as much as possible. 

Additionally, a general target within my role is developing and nurturing long-term relations with our clientele, whilst increasing our business development internationally. Our services are highly sought after at the moment by oil, gas and petrochemical companies in and working in Europe, especially with the new EU Parliament regulations that now impose strict monitoring of emissions. As groundbreakers in emission monitoring, I aim to expand and develop our global outreach and bring awareness to our emission tracking services and its societal relevance. 

Maya: What excites you about Aeromon’s future and what has been exciting so far?

Antoine: Aeromon’s future shines very bright as of now; we are, as I mentioned, in huge demand with various potential customers. We are absolutely ready to take on more customers, I am greatly looking forward to showcasing our services to them. 

Currently most of our customer base is within the oil and gas industry who must manage their emissions, but I expect us to have an influx of customers from the chemical and petrochemical industry and other oil and gas companies who may struggle to implement the new EU Parliament regulations. This diversification of clientele and helping firms manage their emissions is particularly exciting. So far, I will say already working with the customer base we have is exciting, and very gratifying to know that the services we provide make a difference in the world. On a whole, Aeromon’s growth looks to be very thrilling as we are expanding in all aspects: customer base, field workers, personnel, and business development. 

Maya: What is special about Aeromon?

Antoine: Working at Aeromon is just such a special, unique experience. The company prides itself in its rarity and innovation, we sell our services as a complete package and take responsibility from start to finish when working with any customers. In my opinion, it helps us preserve speciality in our technology and huge value to companies engaging with our services. We have very strong customer-company relationships, which are based on reliance and trust. We cooperate consistently with our customers, it is a connection of mutual respect.
Internally, the Aeromon team is just exceptional – we are like a warm family. We never compete, we merely challenge each other; we all are goal-oriented and strive to provide the very best for our customers and for the company. I’ve found that everyone is always limitlessly ready to help and united in a sense of team spirit, which is very rare and important in the working world. The team is well-balanced and warm-hearted, it’s great that we can bond and collaborate at our Midsummer gatherings and at conferences around the globe. 


Maya Sopori

Summer Intern