Employee Spotlight: Juliet

Employee Spotlight,
Aeromon Employee Spotlight

This article is written by our summer trainee, Maya Sopori. This is the sixth article in a series on Aeromon employees’ roles and experiences.

Juliet, a data scientist based in Turku, calibrates and analyses results with the field team to ensure reliable and accurate emission statistics for our customers. 

Maya: What does a regular work day look like for you? What kind of tasks do you do?

Juliet: It depends on the data I’m working with, but usually I have plenty of raw data gathered from the field team’s projects which I then have to calibrate and manipulate to find standard error margins, find average emission quantities – and obviously adjust for the errors that occur from wind and weather conditions. Then I do a lot of calculations to process the data too. Usually, there are problems that arise with the data, but I enjoy the challenge of problem solving and it’s a way to learn from our current quantitative methods and improve their efficiency and accuracy.

What we measure is such a new concept, we have to do multiple sets of control tests as well as changing input values for different conditions and cross referencing in order to attain maximum possible reliability for the clients. 

Maya: What do you enjoy the most about Aeromon?

Juliet: For me personally, I enjoy the flexibility massively. I can work at home if I like, my work is all on the computer. I can also schedule my work around other appointments in my day; I don’t need to be anywhere at any time, it’s great. It’s amazing as I have a young family, and often I need to cater to them which I can do very easily – I value that. 

Other than the flexibility of my work times, just the working environment is fantastic. I feel the company focuses on everyone fitting in and feeling welcomed, which I did. The other team members are incredibly friendly and willing to help with whatever they possibly can and there is very little hierarchy in that sense. Overall, our Aeromon community is very wholesome, which I appreciate so much. 

Maya: What makes Aeromon so important in the current world and for you personally?

Juliet: I think large oil, gas and petrochemical companies need to know about their own methane emissions, their potency and how to effectively measure and mitigate them. That’s where Aeromon comes into play; Aeromon is very important in providing the services that such companies need, the service being of top quality and maximum possible reliability. By repeatedly enforcing tighter regulation on emission measurements, it increases awareness on emission tracking and gives Aeromon a larger platform to do business and help the planet. 

On a personal note, Aeromon is important to me because it is such a unique and cherished work environment. I am very grateful to be here, when I joined everyone was warm and welcoming, and as the team grows it is lovely to welcome new people and work with helpful, compassionate people daily. 


Maya Sopori

Summer Intern